October 3, 2024
min read

Transforming Driver-Based Forecasting with AI: How Precanto Automates Accuracy and Efficiency

Driver-based forecasting has long been a go-to method for predicting future outcomes in FP&A. This approach focuses on identifying the key factors—or "drivers"—that directly influence a business's financial results, such as sales volume, number of employees, and customer retention. However, the traditional way of executing driver-based forecasting is often manual, heavily reliant on human input, and prone to errors. As business environments become increasingly complex, these limitations can lead to inaccurate forecasts and suboptimal decision-making.

In this blog, we’ll explore how Precanto transforms driver-based forecasting by integrating advanced AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) models to automate predictions, enhance accuracy, and streamline the process.

Traditional Driver-Based Forecasting: A Manual Approach

Traditional driver-based forecasting, while more sophisticated than simple trend analysis, still involves significant manual work. Here’s a typical process:

Identifying Drivers

The first step involves determining the key drivers that impact your financial outcomes. This is usually done through a combination of historical data analysis and domain expertise, in conjunction with business partners and budget owners.

Inputting Assumptions

Once the drivers are identified, assumptions about their future behavior are manually inputted into the forecasting model. These assumptions could include expected sales growth, changes in customer retention rates, or productivity improvements.

Building the Model

With the drivers and assumptions in place, the forecasting model is constructed. This often requires significant spreadsheet work, where formulas and calculations are manually set up to project future financial outcomes.

Reviewing and Adjusting

The model is then reviewed by various stakeholders, who may adjust assumptions based on their current understandings and business objectives (which could vary each cycle). This step introduces a significant amount of subjectivity and potential for error.

Finalizing the Forecast

After adjustments, the forecast is finalized and used to guide decision-making. However, because this process is heavily manual, it is often time-consuming, may not reflect the latest business environment, and may not quite be final as potential business changes continue to surface.

The Limitations of Traditional Driver-Based Forecasting

While driver-based forecasting provides a more structured approach than simple historical trend analysis, it still involves significant manual work and comes with several challenges:

Time-Consuming Processes: Identifying drivers, inputting assumptions, building models, and reviewing forecasts can take days or even weeks.

Prone to Errors: Manual data entry and complex spreadsheets increase the risk of mistakes that can compound over time.

Lack of Real-Time Updates: It's difficult to update forecasts quickly in response to new data or changing market conditions.

Subjectivity and Bias: Reliance on human judgment can introduce biases, reducing the objectivity and accuracy of forecasts.

Inefficient Resource Allocation: Inaccurate forecasts can lead to misaligned resources, affecting the company's overall performance.

Transitioning to AI-Driven Driver-Based Forecasting with Precanto

Precanto transforms the traditional driver-based forecasting process by leveraging AI and ML to automate predictions, reduce errors, and enhance real-time responsiveness. Let’s explore driver-based forecasting using Precanto’s AI:

Automated Driver Identification

With Precanto: Precanto’s AI automatically analyzes vast amounts of historical data to identify the most impactful drivers for your business. This process is not only faster but also more accurate, as it can detect patterns and correlations that might be missed by human analysts. Reviews with business partners become more strategic than introductory.

AI-Generated Assumptions

With Precanto: Our AI/ML models generate data-driven assumptions continuously refined based on real-time data. This ensures your forecasts are always current and reflective of the latest business conditions.

Dynamic Model Building

With Precanto: We automate the construction and updating of your forecasting models. The platform dynamically adjusts as new data arrives, eliminating the need for manual recalibrations.

Real-Time Forecasting

With Precanto: Precanto’s AI enables real-time forecasting, allowing your business to adapt to changes in the environment instantaneously. Whether it’s a shift in market conditions or an internal change, your forecasts will always be accurate and actionable.

Objective Decision-Making

With Precanto: By automating the process with AI, Precanto removes subjectivity, ensuring that decisions are based on data-driven insights rather than human intuition.

Ready to Transform Your FP&A Team?

By integrating AI into driver-based forecasting, Precanto not only automates and streamlines the entire process but also significantly boosts accuracy and efficiency. No more manual data entry, no more endless spreadsheet adjustments—just clear, actionable insights that drive your business forward.

Don't let outdated forecasting methods hold your business back.

Contact us to book a demo!

Joshua Hollingsworth

Transform Your Financial Decision Making

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